Updated November 25, 2022

Salem County is a county located in the U.S. state of New Jersey. Its county seat is Salem.
While a court was established in the area in 1681, Salem County was first formally established within West Jersey on May 17, 1694, from the Salem Tenth. Pittsgrove Township was transferred to Cumberland County in April 1867, but was restored to Salem County in February 1868.
The Old Salem County Courthouse, situated on the same block as the Salem County Courthouse, serves as the court for Salem City. It is the oldest active courthouse in New Jersey and is the second oldest courthouse in continuous use in the United States, the oldest being King William County Courthouse (1725) in Virginia.
Will of James Ridley of Salem Town
29 Mar 1705
Wife Rebekkah. Children, William, Mary and Rebekah, all under age; brother-in-law Thomas Berry of the Freshes of Choptank, Talbot Co., Md., boatwright. House and lot, a lot in the common marsh, Salem Township, 400 acres on Papler Neck in Maryland, land in Kent Co., Md., do. on Beavers Neck in the said Freshes. Personal estate includes a silver tankard, a silver candle cup, a silver porringer, a silver dram cup and six silver spoons. The wife executrix with Samuel Hedge junior and Richard Woodnutt as assistants. Testator desires to be buried near Wm. Knenton of Salem dec'd. Wife may be with child.
Wit: Samuel Hedge, Robert GILHAM, Peter Blackfeild and Samuel Hedge junior.
Proved March 16, 1705-6. Lib. 1, p. 141
5 Dec 1705
Inventory of the personal estate (£393.14.0 incl. a servant boy £10, book debts, some despareat £3, bills and bonds £96.5.11); made by John Thompson and Richard Johnson.
Will of Robert GILHAM of Salem Town
Dated 17 Feb 1705/06, Proved 16 Mar 1705/06
Book 1, page 137
Wife Constant.
Sons: William and Lucus, both under 20.
Daughters: Elizabeth, Evis and Ann, all under 18.
A lot of 8 1/2 acres in Salem, bought of Hugh Middleton.
Personal property.
Executors: the wife and Samuel Hedge junior.
Witnesses: Wm. Grifin, Nathaniel Dogles and Ann Sirridge.
Proved 16 Mar 1705/06.
Lib. 1, p. 137
15 Mar 1705/06
Inventory of the personal estate (£62.0.3); made by Richard Johnson and William Folwell.
Will of Constant GILHAM of Salem Town, Widow;
Proved 31 Mar 1708
Book 1, page 190
Daughters: Elizabeth Gambell, Elizabeth GILHAM and Avis GILHAM, all under 18.
Lot in Salem of 8 1/2 acres.
Personal property.
Exe: Hugh Middleton, who is to have daughter Elizabeth Gambell, until she is 18.
Wit: Roger Milton, Alexander Grant and Ann Sireg (Surridge) widow.
Proved 31 Mar 1708.
Lib. 1, p. 190
3 Sep 1707
Inventory of the personal estate of the Widow GILLAM, lately deceased (£51.19.0); made by Richard Johnson and Wm. Grifin.
- Salem County, NJ Wills